50, constitutional challenges between England and Scotland and school funding
are dominating the news and the latter is of particular concern to us.
The National Funding Formula in its current format is going to see every school
in England experience budget cuts before 2020 which will inevitably harm
standards in schools up and down the country. Despite this, we continue trying
to provide the best opportunities we can for your children and this week has
been no exception. I’d like to thank all of the parents and guardians who
took the time to attend our forums on Wednesday and Friday last week.
They were challenging but ultimately productive sessions in which you raised
some clear areas in which we could improve in our communication with you.
We have spent this week reflecting on the necessary actions to address the
concerns that you voiced and as a result, we will be writing to you in due
course with regards bullying, the use of Moodle and explaining the other
specific actions that will be included in a summary of the sessions.
Thank you also for your expressions of support during this process – they are
very much appreciated and we will continue our hard work to do them
justice. Fundraising was another topic of the forums and I will write to
you separately on this matter in due course once the formula has been debated
in the House of Commons next week – as it stands it looks like the formula may
well be rejected, but we have seen things go the other way in the past…
fixtures aside in rugby, netball and equestrian where our sportsmen and women
have excelled, we have had the opportunity to celebrate British Science Week
during tutor time and in lessons this week. Our successful Duke of Edinburgh
applicants collected their certificates for Bronze, Silver and Gold awards at
the DoE ceremony at the Octagon in Yeovil this week, and our congratulations go
once again to them for their endeavours including that of Mrs Wilkinson and her
team. Meanwhile, while continuing with our improvement plans in light of
Ofsted, we have met with our Parents & Staff Association (if you are
willing to help here please do get in touch) and been preparing for next week’s
lectures which will both challenge and inspire – from the award winning film
maker, Jo Ruxton who will be talking about ‘Plastic Oceans’ next Tuesday
evening to our TEDEd team of Sixth Formers giving a series of wide-ranging
lectures including topics such as existentialism, child
mortality, literacy rates, sustainability and education on the Wednesday
evening. I hope to see you there.